Tried taking some photos of my room and me yesterday with the phone... When it comes to loading photos into computers... got to switch off phone lah, remove battery, remove memory card (which is located BELOW the battery - now you know how smart phone makers are...), then put it into my card reader i bought yesterday (went to freemantle to get thing, went by train as you will se in the pictures...) Then, I found out that I saved the photos in the PHONE memory but not the MEMORY CARD memory... sigh. Repeat process... OK there are a few pictures i managed to upload.....

And woooow... it comes out with html code and i am unable to lable them...(cannot see which one is which lah...) and so I give you tags, you guess:
Photo of my bed where I sleep every night
Photo of me in my winter uniform
View of the transport ships when I went to freemantle tru train(Did I mention tha freemantle was a port)
View of the now defunc 1854 freemantle old train tracks
OK lable it yourself :-)
pls make up ur room... is that a lexmark printer box on the table beside ur bed? btw, i have that printer
bout ur pict... u cant pose for nuts b4 taking classes from me...
Wai Hung: Yes thats a lexmark printer. My bed cover is a quilt so naturally it would look like that
Wai Hung2: ... showing off... By the way I was taking a photo of myself so it was a bit hard.
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