Monday, May 08, 2006

Political Rantings

Yesterday, on MSN, I was speaking to various people about the political party they support. One of the interesting answers to why someone would vote for the opposition is: We need a strong opposition to keep the government in check. The governemnt will be too arrogant and not listen to the people.

Personally, I support the opposition DAP. This is mainly because I see the incompetence of the Pak Lah government. (OK... blogs are suppose to be cencored free and everyone can criticise anything, its a free world) Who would cancel the bridge project just because there are 'certain legal implications'? You alreasdy put in like 500 million in it, why not go ahead. This has shamed me as a Malaysian when I am in a international community. Singaporeans have came up to me and laughed about Malaysians being scared of Singaporeans. I say, TAKE THE SINGAPOREANS TO THE ICJ!!! What is there to be afraid of? Even Mahathir strongly opposes this cancelation of the bridge project. This is a key issue and reason why I think the government is incompetent.

I quote a famous DAP political leader's quote. Who owns Malaysia? Malaysians. Who are Malaysians? I hope I am Malaysian, Mr Speaker, but sometimes, sitting in this Chamber, I question this fact... Why is it that Bumiputras get so much extra benefit? Why is the educational system so tilted and distorted that Matriculation is used comparable to the STPM??? Can't the government see that MAtriculation, a paper marked by your OWN TEACHERS is much easier that STPM, a OPEN EXAM??? Why are the best amanah sahams reserved for the Bumis? Amanah saham bumiputra gets about 20 percent dividents while Normal Amanah Saham gets about 5%. If I was to name the countless list of things the Bumis get in extra, there would be no space, not to mention the NEP. To prevent another 513 riot? Are there 513 riots when BN wins? NOOOO.... but when DAP and GERAKAN gets some extra seats, ALL THE MALAYS GET ANGRY? Government, enough is enough. How many more feet and tongkats do you want to add to the so heavily support malay population? You are making them more and more unindipendant!!!

Pak Lah is also famous for emphasizing on Agriculture. This type of Agriulture is effective for large amounts of land like Australia, but come on Malaysia, advance. Start relying on other sectors ie services. Look at Singapore. They are so much more advanced and succesfull. Do they have any agricultural land??!?

So readers, you are welcomed to comment on this. I would like to see the general views of everyone.

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