Monday, June 19, 2006

I Own The World

Some people just think that. They own the world. They own everything. You own everything to them. I was practising piano in the boarding house dining hall lobby and all of a sudden a faggot year 12 came up to me and said: The sound of a piano is annoying and irritating, go play somewhere else, or find another lobby to play in (it was said in a more rude manner, but i can't really remember it). What? No one asked for their opinion! Its not your boarding house! Its not your piano! Its everyones. No one wanted you to tell me tht you hate the sound of the piano! No one wants to know! No one asked you to listen!

Why do people do that? Can't they just walk away and keep their own thoughts and words to themselves? Must they offend everyone that comes their way? Piano is a very important part of my life, and I am deeply offended by that. Can't they hear the beauty of the instrument (thats beside the point). Must they give their unwanted childish opinions? No wonder you are where you are (No i wont elaborate on that point)

Just keep those unwanted owrds to yourself. No one wants to know. Theres a old saying, if you cant say anything nice, dont say it. Exactly. Keep your bloody mouth shut and just fuck off. Besides, if the piano is so irritating, go somewhere else. You were just passing it. No one wanted to know it (am repeating myself here, but I am quite angry and hurt now).

Go away. The world is better without you. You dont own the world, nor is anything owed to you. Fullstop.


Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for you. go pianos! may you live a long and happy life

fishtail said...

25 July. You been busy? Or changed your blog? Or still playing the piano? *grin*