1. My first win!!! Against Fang Hai when he accidently opened one and I put down CURDING
2. My first game against Sim Swee... Lost eventually, but was leading at first

3. My first ever rated win against a certified master... SORRY FISHTAIL!!! I was looking for a bingo until I saw cuteness through the e from abode... was a neck to neck game until then... warren couldnt find a bingo, so he had to dump his blank to extend Shift to shifters...

4. My win against Fang Hai... Oariest and Aeriest, both put by me :)

5. Our rather interesting game. Was leading by 89 points till the end, where the letter Q dropped out... we both saw it, and put it in the bag. This became crucial when he put down harming, and got the lead. I knew he had the Q, and failed to stop him. However, I won the endgame by a mere 2 points :) :) :)

6. The most frusrating game of the tournament. Was leading by 10 points against martin until i opened up zit at the endgame for him to outplay with Agonies. Had to lick my wounds with vacs, which was minimal compared to what he scored :(

Oh ya! And FINALLY! i rememeber you. Haha, thanks to Henry for the board games after Berjaya Times Square Tournament.
Association Jien Lee.. We are a bit grand"er".. And i got Kl ppl to sokong..
Sorry had to delete comment from Jien Lee... he reads this blog la
okok.sorry.i understand.
hhhmmm.fully updated di.haha.go read lo.
btw, how u noe he got read? haha.
Malaysian Open or Nationals?
Your CUTENESS was a good find. Not only was it a 8 letter word, you had to place 6 tiles above an available S and the 7th tile (S) below the S. It was a pleasure playing with you, and I hope we can rack tiles again!
btw, who played the phony JADITES in the sixth photo?
fishtail: I was looking around for a bingo until i finally saw it :)
Henry: ME!!! :):):) Martin was furious aftere that
Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.
- Johnson
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