Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Highlights at the Nationals

I know its a bit late, but here are the highlights:

1. My first win!!! Against Fang Hai when he accidently opened one and I put down CURDING

2. My first game against Sim Swee... Lost eventually, but was leading at first

3. My first ever rated win against a certified master... SORRY FISHTAIL!!! I was looking for a bingo until I saw cuteness through the e from abode... was a neck to neck game until then... warren couldnt find a bingo, so he had to dump his blank to extend Shift to shifters...

4. My win against Fang Hai... Oariest and Aeriest, both put by me :)

5. Our rather interesting game. Was leading by 89 points till the end, where the letter Q dropped out... we both saw it, and put it in the bag. This became crucial when he put down harming, and got the lead. I knew he had the Q, and failed to stop him. However, I won the endgame by a mere 2 points :) :) :)

6. The most frusrating game of the tournament. Was leading by 10 points against martin until i opened up zit at the endgame for him to outplay with Agonies. Had to lick my wounds with vacs, which was minimal compared to what he scored :(


Tan Jien Lee said...
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Tan Jien Lee said...

Oh ya! And FINALLY! i rememeber you. Haha, thanks to Henry for the board games after Berjaya Times Square Tournament.

Anonymous said...

Association Jien Lee.. We are a bit grand"er".. And i got Kl ppl to sokong..

vchi said...

Sorry had to delete comment from Jien Lee... he reads this blog la

Tan Jien Lee said...

okok.sorry.i understand.
hhhmmm.fully updated di.haha.go read lo.
btw, how u noe he got read? haha.

Henry Yeo said...

Malaysian Open or Nationals?

fishtail said...

Your CUTENESS was a good find. Not only was it a 8 letter word, you had to place 6 tiles above an available S and the 7th tile (S) below the S. It was a pleasure playing with you, and I hope we can rack tiles again!

Henry Yeo said...

btw, who played the phony JADITES in the sixth photo?

vchi said...

fishtail: I was looking around for a bingo until i finally saw it :)

Henry: ME!!! :):):) Martin was furious aftere that

Anonymous said...

Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

- Johnson